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What are the uses of hail protection net in gardening?

In the field of horticulture, hail protection nets also have multiple uses, mainly to protect plants, flowers, and fruit trees from the damage of hail. The following are some common uses of hail protection nets in horticulture:
1.Flower Garden Protection: Hail protection nets can be used to cover flower gardens and protect various flowers from the impact of hail. This helps to maintain the appearance and quality of flowers, especially during the flowering season.
2.Orchard protection: Hail protection nets can be installed in orchards to protect fruit trees from hail damage. This is crucial for the fruit quality of fruit trees such as apples, pears, peaches, cherries, etc.
3.Vineyard protection: Grape vines are easily affected by hail, which can have adverse effects on the quality of grapes. The use of hail protection nets can reduce the damage of hail to vineyards and ensure the integrity of grapes.
4.Vegetable Garden Protection: Vegetable crops in vegetable gardens, such as tomatoes and chili peppers, can be protected from hail by covering them with hail protection nets to maintain yield and quality.
5.Outdoor plant protection: Outdoor plants in public places or courtyards, such as shrubs, small trees, etc., can be protected from damage to leaves and branches caused by hail by covering them with hail protection nets.
6.Greenbelt protection: In urban or roadside greenbelts, the use of hail protection nets can protect trees and vegetation from hail damage and maintain the beauty of urban greenery.
7.Greenhouse protection: Horticultural activities conducted in greenhouses also require hail protection. hail protection nets can cover greenhouse structures to prevent hail from harming indoor plants.
Hail protection nets help maintain plant growth, health, and yield by reducing the impact of hail on plants. This is an important horticultural protection measure for horticultural enthusiasts, farmers, and others engaged in plant cultivation.

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