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How Do You Maintain a Shade Sail?

Quality shade sails are designed to be durable and long-lasting, but they do need regular maintenance to ensure they remain in good condition. This will help them function well, keep you and your family protected from the sun's harmful rays, and also look great as they age.
Clean your shade sail regularly, keeping it free of dirt and stains. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can weaken the fabric and shorten its usable lifespan. Instead, use mild detergent and water to remove stains and dirt.

Wash your shade sail with a gentle soapy solution, preferably using a soft bristle brush or scouring pad and a strong flow of fresh water from your backyard hose. This will clean your shade sail while preserving its natural luster and preventing mould growth.
Don't store your shade sail in damp conditions, or in a space where mould is likely to develop. These conditions can lead to a buildup of mould and other allergens, which will be more difficult to remove when the sail is removed.

Re-tension your shade structure annually to keep it in a good state of condition. Usually tensile membrane structures are designed and constructed to require little maintenance, but weather conditions can affect servicing requirements.
Check your shade structure after a heavy rain or storm to make sure that no major damage has occurred. This will save you time and money down the track when it comes to repairs or replacements.

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